Patricia King:
Body of Christ Will Establish New Kingdom Entertainment Industry
The Lord has been speaking to me for a number of months regarding the entertainment industry and His plans for the release of inspired media and strategies. There is coming (and has already begun) an invasion of Holy Spirit inspired entertainment media that will transform nations and mindsets for His glory. God is raising up a media army that will truly conquer the media mountain of influence in the nations. I saw this army arising to communicate, facilitate and greatly influence music, movies, television programs, webisodes, advertisements and creative media festivals.
I Saw Angels
I saw "angels of creativity" being loosed to come along side of chosen vessels. Every dimension of media is going to explode with creativity and with favor. I also saw a specific company of angels being dispatched to bring in the provision and wisdom needed to spread the media.
A New Structure—Not A Replacement
God will continue to send His people into Hollywood to bring light and life, but Hollywood (the system behind the entertainment industry including spirits of mammon, greed, pride, self exaltation) will not be conquered or replaced. The system will eventually crumble and fall. God is building a brand new realm for media that is not aligned to Hollywood or the demonic system that controls it. It is not a replacement but something brand new. It's Builder and Maker (Architect) is God.
Many Christians will receive this revelation and will move forward to follow Him and find each other in the process. This company of reformers will not be bought or sold. Their hearts will be set apart for their King and not for their own agendas. They are surrendered vessels and money is not their God or their motivation. Fame is not their passion. They will be like David's mighty men and do whatever it takes to serve their King and give Him what He longs for.