(Our beloved Jill went home to be with Jesus at9:48 pm CST,January 09, 2009. Thank you all for standing with us and praying. She is now with her best friend, Holy Spirit, and Dancing with Her Destiny.)
Jill is in the most crucial hour of her life. We are requesting urgent prayer for her as she is in critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit.
轉貼小記:幾年以前,我在人生一個很困頓的時期,旅居美國Kansas City的一位華人姊妹家,有晚參加IHOP(國際禱告殿)的一場敬拜聚會,一個我不認識的美國金髮妹妹走過來為我禱告,她默禱完用英文對我說:在你的面前有一座又一座的高山,耶穌要我告訴你:「祂的名高過這些山!」我熱淚盈眶,是的,耶穌的名字高過這些高山! His name is higher than any high mountains!
Facing the dream Killer!Excerpts taken from Dancing With Destiny: Awaken your Heart to Dream, to Love, to War
by Jill Austin
Facing the dream Killer!面對夢想殺手!
We Hide Behind Excuses 我們喜歡找藉口
An obvious dream killer is one that we might call a "natural" hindrance, a problem that we face in life: "I can't speak . . . I'm not smart enough . . . I'm shy and lack people skills . . . I'm a single parent . . . I'm not a leader . . . I'm not talented enough . . . I'm too old. . . . " Insert your own natural disability-your excuse-that you think keeps you from your dreams.
It's Time for a Jailbreak! 書摘 : (選自Dancing with destiny!)
by Jill Austin
Why do people quit dreaming? They are trying to live without the pain of dashed hopes, but that is a bigger sorrow than not dreaming. Not living and not taking risks that help them reach their destinies is a living death. Is anyone disqualified from dreaming? No. Should anyone quit because it seems too hard? No.
I feel that a huge release is coming in the days ahead in the area of dreams and destinies. God is calling radical men and women to do astounding exploits. They will be deliverers and revolutionaries. Part of their journey is to have the courage to take the divine assignments and live their dreams to the fullest.