Is Starbucks demonic?基督徒可以喝星巴克咖啡嗎?(很有意思的問答)
這是出現在Patricia King網頁上的可愛問答,女先知的回答很妙,超有趣!大家暫時忍耐一下英文,有空我再翻譯啊!
Q: I recently heard you at a conference mention how much you like Starbucks coffee. Did you know that the Starbucks logo has a mythological creature called a “siren” on it? I am curious what you think about Christians who bring things into their homes with demonic logos, are they opening their door for evil sprits to enter their homes?
A: When I prayed into this situation, what came to me was the exhortation in the Word to pray blessing over our food. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but most American imported foods and clothing are made in Asia, where in most cases the workers dedicate their days work including the food and the garments they make to the company's idol (often Buddha or other figures that they sacrifice to each day). Most of your tea brands for example, are produced and packaged in Asia ... almost every single piece of clothing you wear and every imported food item has been sacrificed to an idol. For this reason, I bless my clothes, food, furniture etc. The proclaimed blessing of the Lord breaks any curse as the prayer of thanks and blessing puts it inside of God's covering. His power of light expels the darkness.