









by Julie Meyer 茱莉.麥爾

 Julie Meyer果然是敬拜領袖,整段分享都很「音樂性」,唱作俱佳,夢中她聽到的歌詞是用唱的,調子還真像某齣著名音樂劇呢!傳講的語調也很音韻性!)



I was given a profound and stunning dream that came with great clarity about the Arising Media Army of the Lord. I would like to share parts of it with you.

 In the dream, I was 'IN' it. I seemed to literally be at a movie theatre and there were new movies springing up. Yes, movies and media that are/were fueled by PRAYER. The key is Prayer. I could see in this dream that as long as people were not motivated by fame, favor and fortune and they were driven for only One Thing – passion for the Lord Jesus Christ - there would be no ceiling to where this thing could go.

The Lord said 'It's the great invitation to the Divine interruption in Media....Media....Media...Media...!!!!!













是的!電影和媒體因著禱告加添了燃料。關鍵就是禱告!我看見在夢裡人們行動不再只是以名氣,個人喜好或是財富了,而單單因「One thing」──專一渴求耶穌──對耶穌基督的熱情而驅使他們付諸行動!





 The Spirit of the Lord Moving At The MOVIES! 主的靈要在電影產業運行!

In the dream I was sitting in a Movie and all around me people were crying and literally the Lord was pouring out the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. People were getting saved AT the movies! No one was praying for them. I remember sitting there and watching it. I felt like the Holy Spirit somehow transported me to the future.

I declare to you, “God is going to have His way in every facet of media as long as people are driven by prayer and passion for HIM and their 'ONE THING' continues to be passion for God and prayer.”



Whole new networks of channels will occur. I believe there is even new media hubs all over the US . I could see these media hubs in Kansas City , MO ; Nashville , TN ; Phoenix , AZ ; Charlotte , NC ; Palm Springs , CA and other places.

我看見好多新電影、新電視頻道、新的節目,令人目不轉睛,我甚至看見CBS變成了神媒體的軍隊!(譯注:CBS,哥倫比亞電視台,是美國三大全國電視網之一,擁有著名新聞節目「六十分鐘」、全球熱門影集CSI犯罪現場等)我看見許多美國的媒體平台從下列這些城市出來:密蘇里的堪薩斯市(Kansas City, MO)、田納西州的納許維爾(Nashville, TN); 亞利桑那州的鳳凰城(Phoenix, AZ); 北卡羅來納州的夏洛特市(Charlotte, NC); 加州的棕櫚泉市(Palm Springs, CA),甚至於耶路撒冷都有新媒體平台,還有許多其他的地方……。

The Power of the New Song Released 神要釋出充滿能力的新歌

Then in the next part of the dream, I was in a bar and when a New Song was released the people drinking began to put down their drinks. They began to weep because of the anointing behind the music. As the music played, it was like David playing before Saul when an evil spirit would come upon Saul and David would play his harp.

This is the effect that the new Music will have. There will even be number 1 Hi ts that come out of the place of prayer. Salvation was being poured out in the middle of the New Song in the middle of the bar.

It was amazing! When the New Song was being played, there would be a heavy weight of the presence of God EVEN in the Bar and people were giving their lives to the Lord IN the bar. Some bar owners would figure this out and get rid of all of the 'New Sound' and get angry at the New Sound while others would yield to it.




Favor! Favor! Favor! 恩寵!恩寵!恩寵!

Also, I saw # 1 songs that were from different countries. Like the anointing on the New Sound would go beyond cultural and generational walls. I believe that when some of these Songs from out of the various prayer movements and Houses of Prayer are all of a sudden up for Grammy's, Dove’s, and will be the Lord’s Hand! So we need to know ahead of time that this level of favor is going to happen and when it does, just walk in humility and “Go Low”.

我也看見各個不同國家的「冠軍歌曲」從各地出來了!好像新聲音的恩膏跨越了文化和世代的牆,我相信這些新歌會在各種形形色色的禱告運動、禱告之家當中創作出來,葛來美獎(Grammy)、福音音樂金鴿獎(Dove,GMA)、甚至奧斯卡歌曲,都將出自神的手!我們要提早知道,哪些是領先潮流的歌曲趨勢?神給的恩寵──這些有賴於謙卑而行、並且要放下身段(Go Low)

Also Just like many have recording studios in their houses, so many will people have TV studios in their houses. As long as PRAYER AND PASSION FOR JESUS and LOVESICKNESS for JESUS is first and foremost in the heart of believers, this will lead the heart straight into that which is NEW in music, media, TV, computer games, video games etc. - His Presence invading every area of culture and life!

我也看見許多人家中都擁有錄音工作室、也有很多人家中出現了影像的工作室,那些禱告者、單單愛耶穌、讓耶穌居首位的人,神引領他們的心作出新音樂、運作新媒體、電腦遊戲(computer games)、電視遊樂器(video games)等。祂的同在「駭入」了(invading)每個領域的文化和生命!

I Saw a Huge Shift Happen! 我看見巨大的轉換!

That which “worked” yesterday will no longer “work” in the future. This was in the world.... that which worked in the world yesterday will not work much longer. For there is a New Sound that is arising and it is arising from the Houses of Prayer and the Prayer Movement in the nations. It will throw the media, the News, the Music Labels, T.V. etc. into a scramble. Why? That which is arising is something that cannot be copied, nor can it be bought with a price. It is the anointing and presence of the Lord which will be behind the new media and the new sound.

所謂的「工作」不再是過去的「工作」定義了!過去所謂的「工作」方式也不再適用於未來。各國的禱告之地、禱告之家,將有新的聲音升起,這些聲音會拋向媒體、新聞、音樂廠牌、電視台等等,進入競爭。為什麼?因為這個聲音無法複製、也無法價購(nor can it be bought with a price),因為這新媒體新聲音的背後是神的同在和膏抹

I could see in this dream, a worldwide media spring up suddenly and begin happening! And it is the force of the prayer room and the prayer movement which fuels it and keeps it going. This new sound in media, TV, video and computer games... will spring up suddenly with a fire of prayer as the covering as the inspiration comes from lovesick worshipers who cannot be bought with fame or fortune.


Before the End of Days, God will have His way in every facet of media. There is a Divine interruption coming in the media. Many in the media industry will come into the full knowledge of God and many will become greatly offended.


For there is a divine switch coming in Media:

• Movies 電影界

• Music 音樂界

• Art 藝文界

• Dance 舞蹈界

• Games 遊戲產業

• Broadway 百老匯(劇場界)


Impact in the Gaming Industry! 甚至影響遊戲產業!


I even saw in this dream the same impact happening with computer games. There will be computer games and video games that the Lord will give His plans on winning even the youth in a game.

In this dream, I was in houses and watching young boys and girls play computer games and it was literally leading them into the knowledge of God. IN the midst of this game, I could see 'Revelation' awaken in their young minds and hearts and it was really small children playing these games.

This will arise in the earth. But, it will not come out of Hollywood , as we currently know it. It will spring up from a new place and touch the end of the earth. There will be hit #1 songs in the world that arise and cross-generational and cultural boundaries.

Let God’s Media Army Arise! Let the House of Worship and Prayer and the Global Prayer Movement release a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in Divine creativity for such a time as this!


Blessings to You!

Julie Meyer









茱莉.麥爾 Julie Meyer


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