
August 27, 2007


"The Weightiest Matter--The Unquenchable Fire in God's Heart"


"There is nothing weightier, there is nothing that has more substance, energy, power, or life in it, than being united with God in what is on His heart."


The Ball of Fire


On June 6, 2007, I saw the Heavens open and a ball of fire like a meteorite coming straight for me. As I moved to dodge it, it reacted instantly, so I knew I could not escape. It hit me in the chest, and though I did not feel anything physically, fire went all over and within me. It burned, but not physically. It was a spiritual fire that I felt in my heart, not my body. I also felt exhilarated by it, refreshed and quickened.


Then, I saw the most beautiful bridal gown I had ever seen suspended above me. It was made of other-worldly material. It was the purest white, but it also emitted the most beautiful blue and gold. I could not imagine that a more beautiful gown had ever been made. I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Will you help My Bride put this on?" Then the vision ended.


The next day, I saw the Heavens open again, and I saw the ball of fire again. As I looked, understanding was given to me. The ball of fire was traveling through deep space. There was such a freshness and newness to everything, that I knew I was seeing this ball of fire at the beginning of creation. There was also great joy and beauty like that of a beautiful spring morning, even in space. Everything seemed to just emanate beauty, joy and freshness. 


As I kept looking at this ball of fire, I saw into it. At its core there was another ball that was a blue/gold metal. This was the nuclear center that caused the fire, which was like a nuclear reaction going on from this inner sphere. This ball was made of the most dense, heavy matter possible. It was also the weightiest thing that mattered to God--His desire for His Bride.


I knew that was why I was struck by the ball of fire before being shown the bridal gown. The main fire, the main passion of God--is for His Bride.


I was being shown this at the beginning of creation, because I was to understand that this was the main thing on God's heart when He created the universe--His Bride, who would be His eternal companion. I knew I was given to understand the ages and ages in which this fire had existed without change, but also to understand both His patience and His resolve to have His Bride. This is the main reason He created the universe, and it is the main reason for its existence.


God loves His creation, both the spiritual and the natural. He loves every angel and every creature, which is why He notices when even a single sparrow falls to the ground. Even so, His first love is for His Bride. Though He loves the earth and all of creation, it was His Bride that was on His heart when He became a man and when He went to the Cross.


As I continued to watch the ball of fire, I understood why it burned me spiritually but not physically. This fire does not consume matter because its source is spiritual--it is a heart fire. It is what burns on God's heart. This is what gives life and is the source of life. This is why eternal life is to know Him, which is to know His heart.


God's Burning Heart


This was the fire which was in the burning bush that God talked to Moses through. The passion that burns on God's heart for His people is what was imparted to Moses. There is so much life in this fire which has burned from eternity. It imparted such life to Moses that when God took him at one hundred and twenty years old, he had not physically deteriorated. This is also the fire that accompanies the true baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is the passion for what is on God's heart. It is now coming to the earth again because it is time for God's people to be set free, to leave their bondage and cross over to their promised land--their inheritance.


It was this fire which also touched Abraham and Sarah, giving them the vision to leave all that they knew in Ur to pursue God's purpose. It was this fire which was in the smoking oven that Abraham saw when God sealed His covenant with him. This fire which was in their hearts gave such life to them that even when Sarah was ninety years old, she was still so physically beautiful that Abraham feared he would be killed by a king who would want her for himself. When we get close enough to God to be touched by that which burns on His heart, life is imparted that renews, not destroys. This is also why the Apostle John lived so long--he laid his head on God's breast and heard His heartbeat. Because John's heart was so close to God's heart, the indestructible life of God permeated him.


Moses was not rejuvenated by just seeing or being close to the Burning Bush, but by taking upon his own heart that which was on God's heart. Again, this is a heart fire, a spiritual fire. It is not by seeing the fire, or being close to it physically, but by uniting with what is on His heart. That which is burning on the heart of God has been there from eternity--it is indestructible and will never die. As we take what is on His heart onto our hearts, that same indestructible life is in us. This is what it really means to know God, to know the deepest things on His heart and to share these with Him in His ultimate purposes. We do not need to have a prophetic experience to do this, but just be a seeker of God. The true seekers of God, those who are truly close to Him, will burn with a fire that is unquenchable. They will not be lukewarm.


Again, there is nothing weightier, there is nothing that has more substance, energy, power, or life in it, than being united with God in what is on His heart. This is the ultimate quest of man--to be one with God and to have His heart. It says in Psalm 103:7, "He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the sons of Israel ." Moses was used to perform some of the greatest miracles God has performed through a man, yet Moses wanted to know God's ways, not just His acts. He wanted to be united with the Lord in what was on His heart, not just know what He was doing. We also see this in Exodus 33:12-16:

Then Moses said to the Lord, "See, You say to me, 'Bring up this people.' But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.' Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people."

And He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Then he said to Him, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth."

再次強調,沒有什麼事比與神的心聯合,更具有重量,更有實質、能量、能力,或生命!這是人的終極呼召:與神聯合並擁有祂的心腸!在詩篇103: 7這樣說:「他使摩西知道他的法則,叫以色列人曉得他的作為。」神使用摩西來施行人類有史以來最偉大的神蹟,但是摩西想要知道的是神的法則,而不是祂的作為。他希望與主的心聯合,而不只是要知道主正在做什麼。我們同樣在出埃及記33:12-16看到這樣的記載:摩西對耶和華說:你吩咐我說:將這百姓領上去,卻沒有叫我知道你要打發誰與我同去,只說:我按你的名認識你,你在我眼前也蒙了恩。我如今若在你眼前蒙恩,求你將你的道指示我,使我可以認識你,好在你眼前蒙恩。求你想到這民是你的民。耶和華說:我必親自和你同去,使你得安息。摩西說:你若不親自和我同去,就不要把我們從這裡領上去。人在何事上得以知道我和你的百姓在你眼前蒙恩呢﹖豈不是因你與我們同去、使我和你的百姓與地上的萬民有分別嗎?

This is one of the most basic truths that must be recovered by the Church, so that she can come into her full purpose and stature and become the pure and spotless Bride that He is worthy to have. Programs and good works can be noble endeavors because we were also created for good works, but they are not the main thing. The main thing is to love God and to love what He loves, and to hate what He hates.


God's Passionate Friends


"This fire is going to touch the earth again, and those who are His messengers will burn with it."


The basic calling for every Christian is to become like Him and to do the works that He did. We become like Him by seeing His glory, "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord," (II Corinthians 3:18). The works come from His nature. He does not want us to just be used to heal the sick, but to be used to heal them for the same reason He healed them--He loves people. However, if we do not love God more than we love people, we cannot love people the way that we should.


It has been said that anyone will quit except for the one who is in love. Commitment, duty, honor, devotion to good works and devotion to the truth are all good things and can help to keep us on the path of life, but when the ultimate test comes, only those who love will stand; only those who love will stay the course.


The greatest passion of God (the fire that burns in His heart), is for His Bride, the Church. This fire is going to touch the earth again, and those who are His messengers will burn with it. They will arise with this passion to see the Bride make herself ready. A new breed of ministry is being commissioned now. These are the true friends of the Bridegroom. These will be spiritual eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom. A eunuch cannot have a desire for the Bride or to use her for his own purposes; rather, his whole satisfaction comes from seeing the King's satisfaction with His Bride--this will be their passion. The new breed of ministry will not abuse the Bride; their whole purpose will be to help the Bride make herself ready for the King.


The new breed of ministry will not use the people to build their ministries, they will use their ministries to build people. This will result in a revolution in the Church. Selfish ambition will be driven from the ministry of the Church. Christians will begin to love each other and serve out of love. The result of this will be a society of saints who will become a marvel in the earth and a true light to the world.


Those who understand the times are not nearly as focused on what the devil is doing as they are on what the Lord is doing. The greatest sign that the end of the age is near will be the Bride emerging in the glory that she is called to walk in. The Lord will not come until His Bride is ready. Her preparation for the greatest of all events--the union of Christ with His Bride, will accelerate as we get closer to the end of this age.




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