Hearing the Voice of God     by Jill Austin

Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

I was at an Army base staying with a young couple for a weekend ministry assignment. Right before I left, the young wife approached me and said, "Jill, you've met three of my children, but did you know that I had a fourth child?" I replied to her, "No, I didn't."

She sadly turned to me, with tears welling up in her eyes and softly began, "I want to share with you how my baby died. I was sitting here on the couch watching my sweet baby in a basinet across the living room. All of a sudden, a black figure walked across the room and just hovered on top of the basinet. I heard my baby struggle for breath, and then she died. I really didn't know what to do. Do you think it could have been a spirit of death?"

Gripped with sadness and shock, I turned to her and said, "Yes, I do." Her story devastated me. As I drove down the road weeping and crying out to the Lord, I asked Him, "All she had to do was rebuke the spirit of death! Why did that baby have to die because of her ignorance?"

In that moment, the Lord simply replied to me, "My people perish from lack of knowledge."

Beloved, hearing the Lord's voice is not an option. It is survival! The tragedy of this baby dying could have been avoided if she had rebuked that spirit of death in Jesus' name. We are all called to the prophetic lifestyle and to be naturally supernatural. Prophecy is not just reserved for an elite platform ministry. The Lord wants us to hear His voice in everyday life and know how to pray for our loved ones.

May You Be Filled with Joy,

Jill Austin

However, we must remember that learning how to hear the voice of the Lord is a process. Sometimes you will just get an impression, a prompting, a feeling, a picture or a knowing. Here's the key: God wants us to love Him so much so that we are willing to risk, be foolish and step out with those impressions. If we are faithful in the little, He will give us more. Do you have your antennas up in the Holy Spirit? Or are you so spiritually co-dependent that you just wait for the next prophet to roll into town, so you'll get your word and transcribe it in your archives?

There must be tenacity in you where you wrestle with God to hear His voice. The Lord asks us to come to Him as little children. Often He will only give me part of the word. As I step out, I then get the next part of it. Don't wait for a full technicolor vision projected on the wall before you start talking! Start with the small impressions and more will follow. I realize that it is scary to walk on water, but honestly beloved, it is more frightening to stay in the boat.

It's time to seize our inheritance as a prophetic people. Hearing from God is your birthright. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. People's very lives depend on our willingness to hear the voice of God. Be a divine detective and ask the Lord to take you through The School of the Holy Spirit! Willingness will take us farther in the kingdom of God than perfection.

Prayer: Oh Lord, help me to grow up in You. I want to hear your voice and I want You to use my life to bring others to You! Teach me to take my prayers as seriously as You do and help me to remember that the power of life and death is in my tongue. Lord, teach me how to pray.

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