
Governmental Keys from the Life of David

Be Blessed,

Jill Austin

This study is broken into these sections:

1. Behind the Veil: Heaven Touching Earth in Worship and II Samuel 6
2. **An Invasion of the Glory of the Lord
3. The Ark of the Covenant
4. The Cry of the Lord’s Heart
5. 400 Years without the Word of the Lord
6. David: The Braveheart
7. David’s Big Surprise
8. A Living Ark with the Shekinah Glory
9. Being Vulnerable with Jesus
10. God Wants YOU to Carry the Ark of His Covenant

Part 2: An Invasion of the Glory of the Lord

What has been on my heart is the glory of the Lord, that we could have more of His presence and more of Him in our midst. II Corinthians 4 tells us that we are earthenware vessels but the treasure - the glory - inside of us is the Lord!

Everyone is running for the gold! Nations prepare for the Olympics and they don’t want the silver or the bronze, they want the gold. I feel that the individual cry of our hearts is: “Oh Lord, we want the gold!” We want His glory, to know Him better. Lord, let your presence and your fire dwell within us.

When we speak of prophetic evangelism we are talking about being living vessels with the fire, the glory of the Lord, moving around us everywhere we go. It isn’t enough to only have His glory in our church, home or renewal meetings. The Lord wants to invade our very lives and the lives of everyone around us so we can literally begin to be His hands, His eyes and His feet to a hurting and dying world.

The glory of the Lord is such a burden on my heart. Do you want a visitation? How much fire, how much of the anointing, how much of the presence of the living God do you want in your life?

We are moving in a level of renewal right now as the Lord, the Captain of the Hosts, is moving all over the nations. For example, we’ve all heard about some 7,000 churches moving in renewal in England. It’s a miracle that the living Christ, the King of glory, is moving across all the denominational barriers between all the different races, colors and tribes.

I look back at times where it wasn’t just the laughing and the sweet gentle touches of the Lord that we so often see in renewal meetings. It wasn’t the foam at the beginning of a wave, but glimpses of the deep swells of the anointing and the presence of the Lord moving in our midst.

When we look back at what God has done in our midst, it ruins us for life. We can never again live only in the shallow end. We have seen people healed and His presence move powerfully in our midst. How can go back or settle for less? We are talking about renewal; about how the Lord is moving in most of the nations and cities. Our cry is that God will bring us revival.

There have been conferences in the past that were so wonderful. The people had a high faith level; people were healed, delivered, and radically touched causing us to go a second or third week in that same city. When we would walk into a meeting, the whole atmosphere would be charged with the holiness of God. It wasn’t the normal conference “safe level” where we believed God would simply meet us, but we knew Jesus was in the atmosphere. It was like “walking under water” when we entered the room because of the depth and heavy weight of the glory of God.

The manifestations often offend people but as earthenware vessels, we shake and tremble when we touch the Throne of God. We have found that as it goes from renewal to revival, there is less shaking. It is like the verse that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” When you feel the heavy weight and glory of the Lord, and it begins to move on people, there is stillness. The glory gets saturated into the depths of who we are. It is incredible!

There is a cry in my heart for us to want more of Him. Even though there are seven thousand renewal churches right now in England, it could easily become a dime a dozen to us. It could become “seeker friendly renewal meetings”. In other words, the message can become an invitation to “Come and we won’t shake too much. Come, we don’t want you to be threatened. The Lord is moving in our midst.” But there needs to be that cry in us for the Lord to invade the very places where we live.


吉爾‧奧斯汀(Jill Austin)是Master Potter(大陶匠事工) http://www.masterpotter.com的創辦人,也是按立的女先知。曾經得過陶藝大獎的她,結合了音樂、戲劇和藝術的表現手法,在世界各地述說「大陶匠」耶穌的故事。接下來,她的工作重心逐漸由陶藝轉向講臺服事,透過神蹟奇事,帶下救恩、醫治和釋放。過去二十八年,她經常受邀到世界各地的特會中擔任講員,並且經常出現在「七百俱樂部」、PTL、和TBN等廣播電視節目中。Jill Austin曾在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的「禱告先鋒學校(Forerunner School of Prayer)」擔任教席。她以八年的時間完成長篇小說Master Potter(中譯版尚未問世)成為美國當今文壇足以和「Harry Potter哈利波特」對抗的基督奇幻文學作品,書中以擬人化手法,描述破碎器皿遭到世人棄絕,大陶匠(耶穌)卻一一撿回、重塑生命的旅程。2004年夏天,她聽見神清楚的呼召,要她搬到加州洛杉磯,目前她住在橘郡,繼續寫作新書並教導,也因2006年底膝蓋手術的恢復復原而在家中療養。

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