Johnny Enlow: "Word For September: It Is Time To Prosper!"
今年九月──興旺的關鍵時刻!(byJohnny Enlow) Aug.30, 2016
September is specifically designed to be a month of "breakthrough prosperity". It is the closing month of the Year of Jubilee and it will be the greatest month of this year (5776-Hebraic calendar) of "mercy and grace".
Here is some context: So much about what God has been after is us getting huge breakthroughs in important character matters that can then sustain huge breakthroughs in influence and finances.
When WE think "breakthrough" we generally think "finances" and/or "influence". Many of us have wearied in waiting for that "breakthrough" to be actual reality. We keep hearing it prophesied, we keep hearing the promise of it, but most are not really experiencing it the way we have anticipated it. Sometimes it has felt more like further breaking-DOWN rather than further breaking-THROUGH.
The good news is that many of you have in fact already gotten the HUGE breakthrough that matters most - the breakthrough in important character. This is the internal breakthrough that allows for the external breakthrough we have been much more excited about.
Think of "breakthrough" as being a golden barbell that weighs 300 pounds. If you can't lift 100 pounds there is no point of you being given the bigger amount. You can get so much "gold" of influence and resource that it crushes you when you are not inwardly built up to hold it.
God is right now eagerly desirous of us getting our big breakthroughs in our respective callings and destiny assignments. Therefore, He has been allowing and even orchestrating ideal (translate - perplexing) circumstances so that internal strength is built up. Many of you are now great weight-lifters in the Spirit and are ready for the significant "golden barbells" of breakthrough prosperity.