

對抗耶洗別的靈  by Jill Austin吉爾奧斯汀
















然後,他們跑出去,彼得帶著一種權柄、使徒性的恩膏。當他傳講神的話語後,話語背後是屬天和神執政掌權的能力,釋放了一種爆炸性的恩膏。 3,000人得救!恩膏穿透了一切帶來了根本的拯救和醫治。






















譯自Jill Austin吉爾奧斯汀 Elijah the Revolutionist系列教導 (:呂黛芬)




Part 3: The Jezebel spirit

In talking about the spirit of Elijah, many times we say, "We are going to come against a spirit of Jezebel, and we are going to bind it and render it powerless." But, how do you confront and deal with the Jezebel spirit?


The Clashing of Two Spirits

What the Lord started to show me is that there is a clashing of two major kingdoms: the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of satan. These two kingdoms are coming together in head-to-head combat. When we are coming against a Jezebel spirit, we are confronting a powerful spirit that's goal is to destroy the prophets and abort the newborn. If it cannot abort your "baby in the womb," then it will try to abort our calling and destiny. It is a demonic spirit that cloaks, chokes out, strangles and destroys lives, destiny, calling and birthright.

In talking about the Elijah anointing, we know that he was one who heard the voice of God. Are you able to legislate in theheavens? A Jezebel spirit is conquered by having a real relationship with Holy Spirit!


Heaven Kissing Earth with Power

In Acts 2, 120 people waited in the Upper Room. The wind, the fire, and the Holy Spirit came, and they all began to speak in other tongues. Was it just that they received 5-10 words in tongues? No! The government of Heaven broke in, and it birthed the church; it was a miracle of languages.

Peter's Power
Then, they ran out, and Peter moved with an authentic, apostolic anointing. When he preached the Word, the power of Heaven and the government of God was behind him, releasing a breaker anointing. 3,000 people were saved! The anointing broke through and brought radical salvations and healings.


Elijah's Confrontation

When Elijah cried out, he started to confront the demonic spirits through the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, asking for the covenant of the Lord Jesus to be there. Literally, the heavens opened up and fire streamed down.


What God Wants from Us

The Lord wants to bring us to a place where we are not just locked into closed churches, but we are able to go outside the walls of the church and impact our society. He wants us to be able to move with a breaker anointing as carriers of resurrection life, seeing people saved, healed, and delivered with words of counsel and words of wisdom. We need to be able to legislate from the heavens.

Do You Really Know Holy Spirit?

In order to do this, we must have an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is not just tongues; Holy Spirit is not just a phenomenon of wind and fire. He is a person! When Jesus died and went to the right hand of the Father, Holy Spirit came to bring the Kingdom and the fire of the Lord to earth.

Elijah lived a life that moved in Kingdom power. He was a man, but when he spoke, God backed him up. Let me ask you, "Does God back you up, or do your words just dribble down your chin?"


Where Do You Stand?

Do you see any signs and wonders? Do you see anybody healed? Are people hungry for your wisdom and revelation because you hear from God? Do you have share intimacy with the Lord, and people come to you because you are His messenger?

Is your church so cloistered, so social, and so seeker-friendly that you don't have any cutting-edge wisdom? When you are not moving in revelation, you are unable to shift things in the Spirit over your families, neighbors or entire cities, and you are unable to impact your society for the Lord.


Who is Jezebel?

In talking about the spirit of Jezebel, you must understand that Jezebel is an international principality that devastates nations and multitudes of sons and daughters. It is a demonic power. It is not female or male, nor does it associate itself specifically with men or women -it is a spirit.

It is not just that Jezebel confronted Elijah, but this principality, this Jezebel spirit, confronted the God of Elijah. You see, there is a war going on right now, and the war is for our passion. The same power that comes against the passion and hearts of man today, also came against Elijah and God's people. We are dealing with passion versus passion and fire versus fire. What will grab the passions of Jezebel's captive hearts?


Lord, I long to move in Your wisdom and counsel. It is my desire to walk greatly in Your authority to dramatically transform my society. Teach me how to seek a deeper intimacy with You, Lord. Show me the areas in my life that can be changed. Place people on my heart whose passions have been taken captive by the enemy, and show me how to have governmentally effective prayer for them. Amen.



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