Governmental Keys from the Life of David

Be Blessed,

Jill Austin

This study is broken into these sections:

1. Behind the Veil: Heaven Touching Earth in Worship and II Samuel 6
2. An Invasion of the Glory of the Lord
3. The Ark of the Covenant
4. **The Cry of the Lord’s Heart
5. 400 Years without the Word of the Lord
6. David: The Braveheart
7. David’s Big Surprise
8. A Living Ark with the Shekinah Glory
9. Being Vulnerable with Jesus
10. God Wants YOU to Carry the Ark of His Covenant

Part 4: The Cry of the Lord’s Heart

I feel the Lord is crying out for us to be MORE hungry for Him. It’s so easy to get into programs and meetings. Even during the time of Moses, it was very easy for them to fall into a form of religion without having a hunger and a fire for the presence of the living God.

There is a cry in each one of us to not be an empty shell. We so need His fire in the depths of who we are!! We need our bones to burn because we love Him so much. We need our blood to boil, so to speak. We need a divine hunger put into the depths of who we are. We need the Lord to grab hold of us and shake off apathy and complacency until there is a fresh love for Jesus Christ our Lord.

We can never hear enough about returning to our first love. We can never hear enough the voice of the Bridegroom and that He is coming. Do you remember when you first met Him? Do you remember that passion you had? Do you remember when He would barely whisper and you quickly responded? Will you let Him ignite a burning passion of first love in the depths of your heart once again?

Is there a void and emptiness in you, even though you know how to pray for people, even though you move in leadership and know how to train and equip people? Will you come back to Him, to first love? Is the fire inside of you like the Shekinah glory of the living God? Is there a resurrection anointing and the fire of Jesus touching you?

I feel the Lord is constantly saying, “I want you to want Me more. I want you to be more hungry for Me.” As soon as you start feeling that you have arrived, you start to lose your cutting edge. We somehow begin to be satisfied with the shallow end and there is no longer those deep cries and remembrances of when the gold came, when the Shekinah glory and heavy weight was in our meetings. We forget about the healed minds and healed bodies. Lord, help us not to forget Your Presence!

His heartbeat was not just to have His Shekinah glory in the Ark of the Covenant. You see, when He died on the Cross, it rent the veil that we would be living temples with the Ark of the Covenant, the Shekinah glory, inside of us. We can take out Aaron’s rod and proclaim that yes, we are made out of wood, but because of the resurrection anointing our lives have budded and flowered.

You may have gone from religion to religion trying to fill that empty place inside of you, but now that you have the bread of life, the Word of God with fire and revelation on it, you are full. The Lord is asking if you remember who He is.

There have been meetings when the heavy weight of the Lord was there and eyes would be opened and people would begin to see in the eternal realm and weep as they saw souls literally going to hell. They would see Jesus walking as a living fire in a room and touching people.

All I know is that when we get touched by the Lord, when we get glimpses of eternity, it ruins us for life. There is that cry that says we have to have more of Him!

吉爾‧奧斯汀(Jill Austin)是Master Potter(大陶匠事工) http://www.masterpotter.com的創辦人,也是按立的女先知。曾經得過陶藝大獎的她,結合了音樂、戲劇和藝術的表現手法,在世界各地述說「大陶匠」耶穌的故事。接下來,她的工作重心逐漸由陶藝轉向講臺服事,透過神蹟奇事,帶下救恩、醫治和釋放。過去二十八年,她經常受邀到世界各地的特會中擔任講員,並且經常出現在「七百俱樂部」、PTL、和TBN等廣播電視節目中。Jill Austin曾在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的「禱告先鋒學校(Forerunner School of Prayer)」擔任教席。她以八年的時間完成長篇小說Master Potter(中譯版尚未問世)成為美國當今文壇足以和「Harry Potter哈利波特」對抗的基督奇幻文學作品,書中以擬人化手法,描述破碎器皿遭到世人棄絕,大陶匠(耶穌)卻一一撿回、重塑生命的旅程。2004年夏天,她聽見神清楚的呼召,要她搬到加州洛杉磯,目前她住在橘郡,繼續寫作新書並教導,也因2006年底膝蓋手術的恢復復原療養中。


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